Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My first post on this blog, i got this blog back when i didn't know what a blog was, like 2006 just been sitting idle..oh well now i plan on writing a few words daily, if not more then once a day, ok im probably jumpin the i'll try for at least once a day. Got a question for ya, where are you in your life today? I mean if you are in your 40's are you where you should be? Like have a decent job that you plan on retiring from? Or doing something constructive with your life? I'm in my fifties, way in to them..pushing bout 60, ok have a few yrs before i get to 60 but on the other side 55 is pushing 60 to me, but not to everybody. I have a friend who i told they are pushing 55, he said no way im only 52, im like if that aint pushing 55 what is. I'm just saying if by your 50's you don't have a plan..Momma thinks ya need to get to thinking.


Audrey Frelx said...

Well, I AM 60. Feel young still too! LOL!!! I've been retired for almost 3 years now and enjoying life, and being able to just kick back and craft!!!

Creative Hayes Creations said...

It's a beautiful thing isn't it, to be able to do what you want, when you wanna. Was listening to a song, in it, the singer says someone asked him what he does..he answers I do what ever i want..". Im like hey i been saying that since retired last year,lol.. At times tho i drives me nuts ppl thing because im retired i should have time to do whatever they want me to do for like ugh? Dont think a niece and a cousin called me the week of Halloween wanting me to sew them a costume..ugh?lol.. first off i havent sewed since i moved into this apt. well i have but it was a very small project and im not into sewing right now, im into paper if you need me to make you a candy bar wrapper, a diaper cake, holla at me,lol.